Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Some updates!

hey everyone... or you 1 or 2 who check this thing...
some updates from a very busy summer!

Spain holiday with the lads, mark dave steve an me... good times... food, sun, pool, naked in the pool, nice hotel roller coaster (dave an steve are complete pansys "i'll hold the coats"

summermadness- immense!!

this is what 5000 people praising God looks like.

Worship Ireland team- pretty awesome week... great to spend time with friends... old and new!

Summer stuff at work... Good but tiring... Zoo visits, golfing BBQ games in the park...

SPARK... loved it... some amazing people... ballykeel ballykeel ballykeel... most enjoyed being team leader and my bro Ben being in my team.

he is one of the best!

REACH- Newtonabbey streetreach thing... was good... was tied and was collecting rubbish all week... we found a canoe one day tho...

Going snowboarding with loadsa mates over the new year... getting excited about it apart from being skint and just hoping i have enough money come OCT6th to pay for it!

And this is rach. (on the right... excuse the ridiculas sunglasses)

we have been going out since June... she is class... love spending time with her... haven't seen her much over the summer because its been so flat out busy but makes the times like sitting watching anchorman at 1am and lunch at la cuisine so much better!!

Back to porridge now!

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