Tuesday, 30 October 2007


Sorry for the post drought but im guessing that theres not a whole lot of people read this mind dumping zone anyhow...

a 'journey' according to dictionary.com is...

1.a traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time; trip: a six-day journey across the desert.
2.a distance, course, or area traveled or suitable for traveling: a desert journey.
3.a period of travel: a week's journey.
4.passage or progress from one stage to another: the journey to success.

I have been thinking about what it means to journey.
usually u are well prepared and equipt for your journey... most of the time u know where you are going.
Life is a journey and im not sure how well prepared and equipt i am at the moment, not sure what direction im going in!

My life has been, to me, an amazing journey... one that i take great comfort and joy in sharing with those who i love most!
Journeys are always better when you have company... like on the 8 hour flight or the 3 month whirlwind tour of the east coast of the USA... and such is that in life... i owe lots to those who Journey with me... along side me... in the good and the bad times... through the craic and the confusion... even if its just sharing good times on the phone or over the internet or texts or in the 9 hour games of halo 3, or watching the waves, the stars, or even eating pigs in blankets over a good chat...
my journey would be very painful without those closest to me...

good times

My journey with my God, my father... its different now... and im not sure how best to describe it... as my head knowledge has increased i think my heart response has decreased... sometimes im apathetic... sometimes i just cant practice his presence... sometimes i just dont want to... so things are not going to well on this journey... my focus has un focused... my drive has grinded to a steady slow to halt speed and my fire is more like a tiny spark that falls from a Halloween firework.
so many battles, struggles, trials, little in the way of victory, and the thought of 'i dont care' keeps springing to mind more often that i like.
I, like everyone else, am on a journey home to him... and i am not prepared or equipt and have no clue in which direction to aim my eyes and body in...

not so good times

some journeys are great, some are bad, some get better, some get worse... but all journeys will end at some point... i hope to finish the race/journey strong... with all i have in me i will try but this reality of a journey gone bad keeps smackin me between the eyes... and it is a daunting thought... one with grave implications if it comes to pass!

i often write these long posts... and it helps me to gather my thoughts, then i never actually publish them... i hate being/feeling vulnerable so i tend to hit the back space button and move onto the next distraction! but this time its the big orange button im gonna click next.

so here we are... the moment of truth... the day of reckoning (In the 'voice' lolBen)

reader... I hope this finds u well and makes some sense and maybe even some good may come from it!

1 comment:

Ben said...

"It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end."